Key benefits of employing an apprentice
1. Growing your workforce
90% of apprentices stay with their employers upon completion of their course and nearly one quarter of apprentices go on to further develop their careers within 12 months of completing their apprenticeship.
2. Aid staff retention
As well as helping you to gain the right kind of skills you need for your business, employing an apprentice can also aid staff retention, providing you with skills staff for the future.
3. Tackle a skill shortage
Apprenticeship schemes help employers ensure that they get exactly the knowledge, skills and behaviours they need while growing a talented and engaged workforce. Apprenticeships also help fill the skills gap within their current workforce and enable development in areas beneficial to the apprentice and the organisation.
4. New energy
Employing an apprentice can add a whole new dimension to your workplace, bringing with them a fresh perspective and new ideas. This in turn can encourage existing employees to undertake further development to enhance their career.
5. Benefits of ongoing and personalised support
The apprentice will be assigned an assessor who is the person responsible for setting all of their work, marking it and guiding them through their course. They are there to answer any of their questions at any point and provide them with support tailored to suit their needs. They will also want to know where you see them progressing and will support that development.