Level 3 Business Administration Apprenticeship

Fully funded apprenticeship for any primary care worker. Also eligible for up to £1000 government incentive.


To be trained as a business administrator means that you will develop a wide skill-set in using both digital and manual systems to improve business functions and aid efficiency. The role can include areas such as social media, quality processes and project management. The business administrator will have skills in a wide range of computer software and business systems used within the organisation. The role is well suited to those wishing to progress within business and further develop their skills in time management and communication. A business administrator may work across the whole organisation and therefore gather a wide range of knowledge and skills to aid this progression.

The responsibilities of the role are to support and engage with different parts of the organisation and interact with internal or external customers. With a focus on adding value, the role of business administrator contributes to the efficiency of an organisation, through support of functional areas, working across teams and resolving issues as requested. The flexibility and responsiveness required allows the apprentice to develop a wide range of skills.

Click below to see the full Level 3 business Administration Standard Document

Skills developed:

  • A range of IT skills including Mircrosoft Office or equivalent packages.
  • Be able to produce documents, showing respect to sensitive information and the processes within the organisation.
  • You will develop skills in decision making based on sound reasoning and be able to deal with challenges.
  • Produce high quality work, demonstrating the necessary level of expertise to complete tasks.
  • You will develop skills in planning and organising workloads and calendars.
  • You will understand the value of your skills and how these can be used to further progress your career and benefit the organisation.
  • You will gain experience liaising with stakeholders and colleagues throughout the organisation.
  • You will understand the processes used within the organisation and gain knowledge of other external factors such as legislative changes etc.

Duration: 18 months

Level: 3

Entry requirements:

- Level 2 English and maths (can be gained as part of the programme)

- Working minimum 30 hours per week

- Committed to 20% off the job learning (approx. 1 day per week)