L&D Practitioners are typically involved with identifying learning / training needs, designing / sourcing training and learning solutions, delivering and evaluating training, and working with stakeholder / business area managers. The role focus is often on the practical delivery of training. The L&D Practitioner will typically have expertise and competence in their specific field whether it be technical, vocational or behavioural (e.g. use of software, food preparation, working in teams).
They link the learning within their area of responsibility to business objectives and performance, understanding the learning cycle and working by it. The role can be more specialist, with a focus on and requiring in-depth expertise in a specific area of L&D such as learning design, e-learning or digital / blended learning. Whichever of these is an area of focus; the L&D Practitioner is future focused, understands the business context / culture and has a good grounding across the whole training and learning cycles. This may include an organisation’s sustainability strategy or exposure to the UK Government’s policy for net carbon zero emissions by 2050, for example, ensuring a just transition for those with legacy skills into the new green economy.