Level 4 Associate Project Manager


Projects can be defined and delivered within different contexts, across diverse industry sectors. They can be large or small. Every project needs to be managed to ensure its success, An associate project manager knows what needs to be achieved, how it will be achieved, how long it will take and how much it will cost, and works with the project team to achieve the required outcomes. Associate project managers need good planning, organisation, leadership, management and communication skills.

An associate project manager utilises resources with suitable skills, qualifications, experience and knowledge to work together in a motivated and integrated team, with clearly defined reporting lines, roles, responsibilities and authorities. Dependent upon the size of the organisations and the complexity of projects, associate project managers’ job titles will vary, but typically they can include: assistant project manager, junior project manager, project team leader. Some organisations use ‘project manager’ as a generic job title.


Typical job titles: 

Assistant project manager, Junior project manager and Project team leader.

An associate project manager will be able to demonstrate the following behaviours:

  • Collaboration and team work - Understands and is effective as part of an integrated team.
  • Leadership - Communicates direction, and supports the vision for project delivery.
  • Effective and appropriate communication - Working effectively with and influencing others, taking account of diversity and equality. Influences and facilitates effective team performance.
  • Drive for results - Demonstrates clear commitment to achieving results, and improving performance.
  • Integrity, ethics, compliance and professionalism - Promotes the wider public good in all actions, acting in a morally, legally and socially appropriate manner. Promotes and models the highest standards of professional integrity, ethics, trust and continued development.

Durarion: 24 months

Level: 4

Entry requirements:

Individual employers will set their own entry requirements for their apprentices. Typically candidates will have achieved a grade C or above in at least 5 GCSEs including English and Mathematics, and hold a minimum of 48 UCAS points, or equivalent.