
Benefits of the Paramedic role

Paramedics working in primary care reduces the burden on the GP in the assessment and management of patients presenting with acute clinical conditions. Utilising FCPs and ACPs (advanced, specialist paramedics) to undertake the acute assessments, allows the GP to concentrate on the patient with chronic or more complicated presentations and conditions. Paramedics are ideally based to undertake home visits within the community and assessments within care homes.

Increasing the workforce with FCPs and ACPs for acute presentations increases the number of on the day consultations, whether this is face to face, or telephone consultations, that the patients can access on a daily basis.

Role duties (dependant on experience)

  • Patient Home Visits
  • Assess and manage patients presenting with on the day acute illness
  • Assess and manage patients presenting with chronic illness
  • Telephone triage and consultations
  • Take part in multidisciplinary case reviews
  • Respond to medical emergencies within the practice
  • Address medicines concordance with patients/carers
  • Interpret and manage the results of blood tests and imaging
  • Undertake clinical audit
  • Signpost and refer patients to appropriate services

Qualification requirements

A paramedic will have a degree level qualification to be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Enhanced level practice paramedic (3-5 years post qualification): Should be part of a rotational model between PCN and ambulance trust. The clinician requires access to robust daily clinical supervision from an appropriately qualified and experienced clinician such as a multi-professional AP, paramedic FCP/AP or GP. The role is not currently eligible for reimbursement under the ARRS. The paramedic can also begin working towards master’s level practice and/or over three years to build a portfolio of evidence to complete stage 1 of the FCP roadmap.

FCP (5+ years post qualification): To work within Primary Care a Paramedic MUST undertake additional training at a level 7 (master’s level of study).

An FCP will have, or be studying towards a Post Graduate Diploma, which could be in the form of the First Contact Paramedic qualification. An Advanced Clinical Practitioner will be working towards or have achieved a master’s in advanced practice.

Click on button to see the table for the basic qualifications, knowledge and skills of a Paramedic, FCP and ACP.

Useful links

First Contact Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner in Primary Care: (Paramedic) – A roadmap to practice.

Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) Paramedic Standards of Proficiency.

Paramedics in General Practice